2024 Farm Grown Magazine - Wild About Reading

build a pyramid using these soda cans and whoever makes the tallest stack will win! Are you ready to watch Parker and Eddie play Soda Can Stack?” yelled Captain Grizzly. Once again, the crowd cheered, eager to see who would win. Toni and Dillon put the soda cans on the ground between the two mascots. Parker and Eddie looked at

the pile of cans, readying themselves for the competition. “On your mark, get set, GO,” shouted Captain Grizzly. Parker and Eddie quickly grabbed the cans and started stacking. The two mascots were in a close matchup, but Parker took a late lead as the time continued counting down. As the clock ran down, the crowd’s chanting got louder and louder, cheering on the two mascots.

“Park-er, Edd-ie! “Park-er, Edd-ie!”

The mascots used the crowd’s motivation for the final seconds, making their stacks as high as possible.


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