2022 Farm Grown Magazine - Wild About Reading

Parker opened the envelope and read what was inside:


“Beep, beep” “Beep, beep”

Parker T. Bear’s alarm clock went off for the first time since the Fresno Grizzlies season ended. Parker was ready for some quiet and relaxation, which meant playing video games and eating ballpark food, his favorite. The furry, yellow bear got out of bed, went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a pretzel and some popcorn from the pantry. As he was settling down onto the couch, he heard the doorbell ring.

As Parker was reading the letter, Eddie started to tell Parker what he could do to get in shape and make these tasks easier.

“Who could be at the door on the first day of the offseason?” Parker asked himself.

“Parker, you can lift weights so it is easier to throw out t-shirts. You can even run the bases to improve on your footwork for dancing and to be quicker at giving out prizes. What do you think?” “But I want to play video games. We have plenty of days left before the season starts and I want to relax,” grumbled Parker. Eddie responded, “Just try it out! You’ll be surprised how fun it is and how much better you will feel next season”.

He got up from the couch to check WHO was there and saw his friend, Eddie the Owl. Parker opened the door and excitedly exclaimed, “Eddie, do you want to eat some popcorn and play video games with me?”

“No thank you, Parker,” Eddie said. “I actually came over to give you this letter.”

Confused, Parker replied, “What? A letter for me?”

Eddie handed Parker the letter and hooted, “take a look for yourself.”



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